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Water and Sewer

The City of Glasgow is currently undertaking a major project to upgrade our water treatment, storage and delivery system.  Those plans are available at the city office in the Public Works Director's office.  We are seeking funding to help defray the costs of this system.  This comes only a few years after a major upgrade to the wastewater treatment program.  These upgrades insure we are in compliance with all state and federal regulations and to insure our system will be viable for years to come.


We are proud of our water department employees.  We rely on them to make sure the water and sewer systems are working well.  Our Water Clerk can be reached at 228-2476 extension 2.

If you would like to have your water/sewer bill to be taken out of your checking or savings account automatically on the 10th of every month, click on the link below and you find the form to fill out and bring in into the City Office.

The City of Glasgow has 3 Water Operators on Staff:



TJ Synan

Adam Morehouse

Kyle Stein


You can reach them by calling 228-2476 extension 5, or by calling 263-7614 




Click the link below to pay your water/sewer bill online through Paygov.US with a credit card

(Finance Charges do apply)

City Council Agenda

Please click on the gavel icon below

Please note time change for council meetings -

They will now start at 5:00 p.m. until further notice

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