Chief: Robert Weber
Misdemeanor Probation Officer: Tyler Edwards
Patrolman: Josh Ames, Patrolman: Norman Dick Not pictured, Patrolman; Alex Williams and
Patrolman; Mona Vines
Reserve officers; Not pictured, Trint Gamas, Bobby Overbey
Victim Specialist: Margaret Henry, Not pictured, McKenzie DeGreek
Administrative Assistant: Renee Jones
Chief Robert Weber welcomes you to read this page
Call them at (406) 228-8050 or email them at glasgowpd@cityofglasgowmt.com




Victim-Witness Services

Margaret Henry is our Victim-Witness Advocate and she has done an excellent job developing this program for the City of Glasgow. They have presented their program in meetings around the state and has proven this program to be a model program.
Please contact the Police Department for more information about services they can provide as citizens navigate through the investigative and court systems. Contact them if you need information regarding orders of protection.
Click on the Victim Services button below for more information
Misdemeanor Probation Services
.Those convicted of crimes can be supervised by Officer Edwards through the court system. His office is in the Police Department.

Animal Licensing
Licenses for dogs and cats shall be issued by the city police department, upon the completetion of the following requirements:
Completetion of an application containing the name and address of the owner and the name, breed, color, and sex of the dog or cat.
Documentation of the current rabies vaccination through a certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian showing that the dog or cat described has been vaccinated against rabies within two (2) years of the date when the new license will expire.
Payment of license fee - $5.00 for each neutered dog or cat and $20.00 for each non-neutered dog and cat.
Dogs and Cats older than 6 months of age shall be licensed on or before July 1 of each year. The owner shall license any dog or cat within 30 days after becoming 6 months or within 30 days in the case of an animal older than 6 months newly brought into the city. Licenses are effective from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. Licenses will not be issued to any person under the age of 18 unless a parent or guardian signs as co-owner.
Owners of dogs and cats who do not license them within the prescribed time as set forth above, and subsequently license them, shall be charged a late fee of $5.00 for each nuetered dog or cat and $20.00 for each non-neutered dog or cat in addtion to the license fee. No refunds shall be made on any dog or cat license because of the death of the animal or the owner leaving the city before the expiration date of the license.