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Public Works Department


The Director of Public Works Position is Paul Skubinna he can be reached at 228-2476 extension 4 or

406-263-8076. Email:


Rod Dees is the Code Compliance Officer he can be reached at 228-2476 extension 8 or

406-263-3386. Email:

This page includes information on some of the areas Public Works oversees.    

Click on the boxes below for more information

Weedy Lot and Junk Vehicle Program

Our weedy lot and junk vehicle program is up and running during summer months.  If you have a concern about junk vehicles or weedy lots in you neighborhood, please call dispatch after hours at (406) 228-4333 or call Rod Dees at the above phone number during weekdays 8AM-5PM.

Please click on the box above and see paperwork and regulations for building in the City of Glasgow.  Then bring the filled out paperwork into the city office to either the Public Works Director or Rod Dees 

Please click on the box above to go to the Cemetery page.  For ordinances related to the cemetery, go to documents above and click on "City Codes."

Please click on the boxes above to find information on zoning for building codes.

​Scott Runnungen is our Street Shop Foreman.  He oversees the crews working on our streets and parks.  


Please click on the box above to find information on water and sewer rates and regulations.  Ordinances related to water and sewer are found on the tab "Documents" above and click on "City Codes."  Our amazing group of workers handle the system of treatment and distribution for the city.  

City Council Agenda

Please click on the gavel icon below

Please note time change for council meetings -

They will now start at 5:00 p.m. until further notice

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