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Recent Documents

Please follow these tabs below to find documents for which you are looking.  If you would like to see older documents, please contact the front office at City Hall.  If you are looking for cemetery, building policy and permits, please go under the Departments tab above and look under the Public Works Director page for those documents. 

City of Glasgow

Solicitor's Licemse Application​


Anyone selling door to door or vendors on the street are required to have a solicitor's license.  They will have to fill out the application below, paya $25 fee and give a copy of their government issued license as well.

Then the license will be issued to them and they will need to keep a copy of it on their person while selling. It is valid for a 3 month period andwill have to pay another fee to obtain a renewal after that period of time. The application and a copy of drivers license

can be emailed to

The fee can be paid in person or taken by via card over the phone at 406-228-2476 ext 2.

City of Glasgow

Council Agenda, Meeting Notes and Schedule

​For the most recent agenda, approved meeting minutes and upcoming schedule click on one of the buttons below.

City Code

​Click below to go to the Municode Website for our city codes.  

City of Glasgow

​Budget Documents

Water Bill Auto-pay Form

Click below to get the form to have your water bill directly deducted from your checking/savings account on the 10th of each month. Fill it out and bring it to the City Office.


​A listing of recently adopted city resolutions are available on this page. 

New City Policies and Plans

​Digital versions of any recently adopted City Policy or City Plan  

Police Forms

​Here are some forms for your use.  



City Council Agenda

Please click on the gavel icon below

Please note time change for council meetings - They will now start at 5:00 p.m. until further notice

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